Cover Questionnaire Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Your Name *FirstLast2. Your E-mail *3. Please type in your author name as you want it to appear on your cover. *4. Are you having multiple covers designed in one series?YesNo, just one book If you have multiple covers that are NOT in the same series, please fill out a separate cover questionnaire form for each book!5. Please type in your book title(s) as you want it to appear on your cover(s). * If you have multiple covers in THE SAME SERIES, separate them with commas, like this: Book 1 - Your Awesome Title, Book 2 - Your awesome Title.6. What is the Series name and do you want to indicate on each cover which book in the series it is?7. Please type in your tagline(s) if you have any and want it to appear somewhere on the cover(s).8. What genre is your book (series)?9. Which font style would you prefer your BOOK TITLE(s) to be spelled out with? You ca select multiple answers if you aren't sure.CursiveSerifSans-SerifPlease note: You are not selecting an actual font for your cover.10. If you picked cursive, please select from the fonts below. You can choose multiple fonts that appeal to you visually. Please keep in mind that you are not actually selecting said fonts for your cover, this merely helps me better understand what style you like.124567891011131415171920212223242526272811. If you picked serif, please select from the fonts below. You can choose multiple fonts that appeal to you visually. Please keep in mind that you are not actually selecting said fonts for your cover, this merely helps me better understand what style you like.12345678910111212. If you picked sans serif, please select from the fonts below. You can choose multiple fonts that appeal to you visually. Please keep in mind that you are not actually selecting said fonts for your cover, this merely helps me better understand what style you like.1234567891013. Which font style would you prefer your AUTHOR NAME to be spelled out with?Cursive SignatureSerifSans-SerifI use a specific font to spell my name (please e-mail me which font)I have a transparent of my author name I want you to put on the cover (please e-mail it to me)15. For the image search: Please describe what you envision your cover(s) to be. If you want a man, a woman, or a couple on the cover, give a brief description of their appearance. If it's an object(s), describe it and write out any specific instructions you might have.I will search for stock websites for images and e-mail you some potential choices based on your descriptions. We can then work together to narrow things down.16. What kind of feel do you want the cover(s) to have? You can say things like "light and fun, my book is a romcom" or "dark and mysterious, my book is a romantic suspense."17. What kind of colors do you want to see on your cover(s)?18. Will you need any modifications done to the images, such as addition/removal of tattoos or hair color change?Please explain exactly what you need changed and I will let you know if there will be an up-charge. I typically charge extra only for very extensive and time consuming changes that require a lot of Photoshop manipulation.19. Do you have any requests for the design of the back cover? (if you are doing a full wrap)20. Do you have any other specific instructions for me? (copy)PhoneSubmit